About Us
Our vision is that every Colorado employer has access to a skilled workforce and every Coloradan has the opportunity for meaningful employment, resulting in individual and statewide economic prosperity.
The founders of Equity Learning, all avid participants in math clubs and competitions from a young age, noticed a troubling pattern—academic enrichment opportunities often seemed out of reach for students without access to extra resources or peer support. This realization fueled their desire to break down those barriers.
The Colorado Workforce Development Council is excited to announce three staff members are in new roles, reflecting their expertise, passion, and commitment to advancing workforce development in Colorado.
The CWDC Office supports and oversees multiple boards and commissions. Learn more about the Council, BEL Commission, State Youth Council, and State Rehabilitation Council below.
TalentFOUND comprises the systems, partners, programs, and initiatives offering services to ensure that students, job seekers, and workers have access to meaningful careers, and employers have access to skilled talent. Learn more about TalentFOUND.